Learn to love your job again

By Kathy Zant

smiling woman holding a bright pink heart

If you’re dreading Monday morning, you’re not alone. According to BambooHR, job satisfaction plummeted to a four-year low in 2023. 

When we look at why, the data on tech workers is telling. We see two major factors:

  • Industry layoffs. The uncertainty of financial stability can seed fear in any worker, and layoffs in the tech sector show no signs of abating. 
  • Artificial intelligence. AI has become a powerful tool with a disruptive impact. Organizational leadership knows they must incorporate AI, yet employees worry about how AI will impact them. 

With this uncertainty, many tech workers are likely reassessing their jobs and careers. 

Work satisfaction matters

We spend most of our waking time either at work or getting there. If work isn’t going well, it can feel like your life is out of balance. 

Even when you’re leveraging your strengths and excelling at what you do, it’s still possible to feel disconnected, unfulfilled, and unmotivated. 

You might conclude that you are: 

  • In the wrong job or career
  • Tasked with the wrong responsibilities
  • Chasing goals that don’t align with your values
  • In an organization that doesn’t value you 

The immediate solution might seem to be a dramatic one: quit. However, before taking such a drastic step, consider this: What if the power to transform your current job into one you genuinely enjoy is possible and can happen with a few shifts?

Before you quit

Even if you determine that you’re in the wrong position or organization, it’s critical that you better know yourself. Who are you, and why are you in the position you’re in? 

If you don’t do the due diligence to find out what motivated you to take the position you’re in, you’ll likely make similar decisions that might land you in another role at another company that feels like Same Old Misaligned Job version 2.0. 

The company might have a different name and different faces. Still, if you bring your same decision-making, identical behaviors, and the same set of beliefs to another role, you’ll tend to experience similar issues.   

Before you decide that a job isn’t for you, find out who YOU really are. Or else you’ll get more of the same. 

Success is an inside job

When looking to find greater fulfillment in your job, it is vital to understand the various pieces at play. You must get to know:

What motivates you 

If you’re unaware of what empowers and excites you, making decisions that fulfill you is impossible. Your choices will land you in the wrong place again. You could take another job that pays more, but if it doesn’t fit your Motivational Dimensions, the additional compensation won’t matter. 

What you can change 

If there are elements in your current role that must shift for you to find fulfillment, list them. Talk to your supervisor about what changes would bring you greater satisfaction. Bringing your MCode report to a meeting to better discuss your career objectives and motivations can provide greater insight to your leadership so they can cultivate a role better suited to your aspirations. 

What you cannot change 

Sometimes, things that we believe are immutable can indeed be changed, but some factors cannot. There may be limitations to the job activities available to you, limitations to teams, or limitations to compensation. It’s important to accept an organization’s “topography” in terms of mountains that cannot be moved. Are these mountains you can live with? Ask yourself what you need to live within the limitations peacefully. 

Refactoring work for deeper fulfillment

Imagine transforming a mundane, frustrating, or unfulfilling job into something you love. It sounds like a tall order, but it’s entirely possible with the right mindset and understanding of your Motivational Dimensions. 

Here’s how you can enjoy your work and find greater fulfillment in your everyday work. 

Reframe your tasks

Consider the impact of your work. Even the most mundane tasks often contribute to a larger goal. By reframing your tasks as essential components of a meaningful project that aligns with your purpose, you can find more joy and motivation in completing them.

Realign your processes

Align your work with your Motivational Dimension. Are you a Visionary? Then, make sure your job aligns with that bigger picture unique to you. What aspects of your job can you connect with more deeply? Setting personal milestones that complement your professional responsibilities can make your work feel more rewarding.

Embrace learning and continual personal growth

View each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. Adopting a growth mindset can transform obstacles into stepping stones, making your job more engaging and less daunting. Personal growth can dissolve limiting beliefs that make you feel like a job cannot meet your motivation. If you expand your horizons, any job can contribute to your fulfillment. 

Reshape the work to align with your motivations

Once you’re aware of your Motivational Dimensions, refocus your activities so that they take advantage of your unique capabilities and motivations. If you’re a Driver, but tasks are too easy for you, you might find your job unfulfilling. Try tying some insurmountable goals that only you know to your tasks.

Gamify your tasks

One job I had was very tedious and repetitive. It didn’t tick any of my Motivational Dimensions. To make it more interesting, I would seek out the most angry of unhappy customers and see if I could communicate with them in a way that turned them around 180 degrees. It made my co-workers’ jobs easier, and I enjoyed the challenge of influencing an angry person into a happy and satisfied customer. The job I was hired to do did not require this of me, but it was a simple way that I could add value and keep myself engaged and fulfilled as an Influencer (my secondary Motivational Dimension).

Share your accomplishments

Don’t underestimate the power of feedback and recognition. Share your accomplishments with your team or supervisor and seek constructive feedback, especially if you’re an Achiever. This boosts motivation and fosters a sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Customize your work environment

Personalize your workspace or adjust your work routine to better suit your motivations. Small changes can have a significant impact on your comfort and productivity. Add physical reminders of your purpose and mission to your workplace. 

Know your purpose

Identify the purpose behind your work. Understanding how your role contributes to the broader mission of your organization and your own individual fulfillment can provide a strong sense of motivation.

Connect with team members

Build meaningful relationships at work. A supportive network can make even the most challenging days more bearable and fulfilling. If you’re a Relator, ensure you find opportunities to inspire and connect with others and take on group activities to find deeper connections and fulfillment.


While this may sound a bit woo-woo, it’s important to take a step back and gain greater perspective. Remember how far you’ve come from even one year ago, and celebrate your achievements. Even if you’re in a difficult situation, there may be positive aspects to your current role. Practicing gratitude for the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute can significantly improve your outlook.

Your MCode is key

Changing your perspective can transform your job from a source of stress to a source of satisfaction and pride. By adopting a proactive approach and focusing on what you can control, you can find motivation and joy in nearly any job. However, it must connect to your greater motivation and fulfillment. If you’re aligning your motivation to your job, Motivation Code can help. 

You have greatness inside you. You have everything you need to shine bright, succeed, and thrive at work and in life. You’re in the right place if you want to learn to love your job. Take the Motivation Code assessment to discover what motivates you and start making changes to love your job, no matter what job you do. 

Written by Kathy Zant

Kathy Zant is a content creator focused on helping people find empowerment through greater self awareness. As a Visionary, she is a twenty-year veteran of the tech industry in both highly technical and marketing roles. Kathy is happiest helping people see what's possible.

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