Every coaching client has the potential to become your best coaching client

Motivation turns clients into envy-inducing success stories and passionate coaches into powerful facilitators of game-changing transformation.

The Truth About Clients

You know coaching changes lives but clients can be challenging

Not all clients are great clients yet…

Some coaching clients struggle to engage fully in the process or make excuses and procrastinate. Others can’t seem to get in the right mindset or they start off strong but just can’t stick with it. And some can’t even decide if they’re going to hire you.

Watching this play out is incredibly frustrating. It wastes time and prevents you from getting the testimonials and case studies you need to sell your coaching programs.

But what if you knew the WHY behind their behavior and had the power to address, correct, or even improve it?

Create A Different Reality

You can attract and support ideal coaching clients with greater ease

Imagine having the tools to…

  • Tailor your sales process to perfectly fit each prospective client so they feel comfortable and confident saying yes.
  • Individualize your coaching approach so it aligns with what drives your clients and how they derive meaning and satisfaction.
  • Customize your client experience to ensure your coaching sticks so clients engage fully in the process, achieve their goals, and refer you to everyone they know.

Sound good?

It’s possible when you add motivation to your sales and coaching processes

Knowing how a lead or client is motivated means knowing what makes them tick, what drives them to act, what lights them up, and what spurs them to pursue a goal. 

Motivation explains why clients, even when using their strengths, immerse themselves in some activities yet struggle to care about others. And when used in coaching, it enables you to connect with clients on a deeper level and amplify your impact and influence.

Every coach has the potential to become a catalyst for Change

Motivation Code empowers coaches to be confident and amazing coaches who advance the coaching profession and make a significant and lasting impact in the lives of their clients.


at its best

When you understand a client’s motivations, you can tailor your coaching and communications to inspire them to go all in, stick with it, and do whatever it takes to reach their goals. 


at their best

When clients understand what prompts them to act, what process drives them, and what payoff keeps them on track, they stop making excuses and start making progress.


at its best

When the work clients must do aligns with their strengths and motivations, they engage fully, give it their best, and find meaning and fulfillment in their pursuit of a better future.


at its best

When you help clients achieve their goals and improve their lives, it creates a ripple effect that positively impacts everything from their confidence to their work and relationships.

Improve Coaching Outcomes

Integrate MCode into your coaching and watch motivation skyrocket results

Coaching industry leaders share MCode with their networks of coaching professionals to not only provide a paradigm-shifting personal growth and professional development experience but also introduce a proven-effective coaching assessment solution that uses personal stories to reveal a person’s motivations.

After experiencing their “scary accurate” results, professional coaches share the MCode assessment with leads and clients to uncover what motivates them to commit to their goals, perform at their best, and never give up, and what drives deep satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment.

Motivation Code is the perfect coaching assessment tool for coaches who want to:

  • Stand out in the sea of sameness and differentiate themselves.
  • Engage clients on a deeper, more meaningful level.
  • Empower clients to better understand themselves and their natural gifts, and how to best use them.
  • Help clients identify what might be holding them back or what’s in their way.
  • Create valuable, personalized client experiences and lasting change.

Intrigued? Keep reading to learn how it works!

Insights In 30 Minutes

Story + Science = Relevant, actionable results

Unlike other coaching assessments, Motivation Code pairs personal achievement and fulfillment stories and questions about those life experiences with 60+ years of validated scientific methodology, behavioral research on motivation, and insights from the evaluation of millions of stories to reveal a person’s Motivation Code or MCode. 

Share the Motivation Code assessment

Invite coaching leads and clients to complete the MCode assessment or share the assessment with your coaching network. 

They’ll follow prompts to share a few meaningful stories, then answer questions about their experiences on a 1-10 ranking scale.

Review personalized MCode results

Their custom reports will reveal their MCodes and provide relevant and immediately actionable insights.

You’ll get copies of their reports so you can facilitate aha moments and help them understand what drives their decisions, actions, and feelings (or lack thereof).

Individualize your coaching approach 

With a client’s MCode results in hand, you have everything you need to coach with confidence.

You’ll be able to tailor your coaching approach to fit each client and what they need to be inspired, get engaged, drive forward, and experience lasting success.

MCode stories

“I’ve done a lot of assessments, so I thought I knew what to expect when I took the MCode assessment. I was wrong. It gave me insights no other personality or gift assessments have given me.

In addition, filling out the assessment questionnaire helped me connect dots on my gifting and talent that I had never noticed before. I’m a huge fan.”

Carey Nieuwhof is an Achiever

Carey Nieuwhof

Author, Speaker, Podcaster

“My husband and I have had challenges finding flow working together in our business. MCode helped us get clear on our core motivations and better understand each other when we are working on projects together. Game changer!

As an Orchestrator, I love to take charge and lead, and I want to do that well. I now understand how essential it is for everyone on the team to have their core motivations met, too. This assessment will help us grow our most valuable investment in our business — our people. Thank you MCode!”

Joy Bowen is an Orchestrator

Joy Bowen

Fitness and Team Leadership Coach

“My MCode results solidified my biggest motivators and helped me find the right kind of work in my business and do it for the people I want to work with.

It also helps in my personal life — I need to fight my Achiever urge to solve problems, and listen more. I’m excited that now I’m able to craft both my personal and professional life around what motivates me — and I’m excited for the growth I’m going to see from that.”

Joe Casabona is an Achiever

Joe Casabona

Podcast and Automation Coach

Put MCode To Work For You

Get more referrals, testimonials, and envy-inducing success stories

Whether you’re a coaching industry leader, business coach, health and wellness coach, life coach, or any other type of coach, you help your clients remove blocks and achieve goals — and when your work is paired with Motivation Code, it improves client experiences and increases the stickiness of your coaching.

Boost Sales:

Invite leads to discover their MCodes

Sharing the MCode assessment as part of your sales process provides immediate value to prospective clients while building your coaching brand and boosting your credibility. It also gives you valuable insights into what motivates a prospective client to take action and say yes. With these insights, you can more easily identify your ideal clients and tailor your sales pitch to highlight how your coaching package or program perfectly fits them.

Enhance Discovery:

Help clients embrace who they are

Clients’ reports reveal their MCodes — their Top 5 Motivations and 8 Motivational Dimensions ranked from strongest to weakest. The report helps them understand the underlying motivations that drive every decision they make and everything they do. It highlights how they’re unique, the value they contribute, what energizes and drains them, where they excel and struggle, how they interact with others, and what to seek out or watch out for.

Create Results:

Facilitate more OMG aha moments

Integrate clients’ motivational insights and unique Motivational Flow into your coaching to uncover opportunities for growth and development, reveal and remove blocks, motivate action, drive high performance, and improve their personal and professional relationships. Motivation Code supports you in getting clients from where they are to where they want to be so they can live more fulfilling lives.

Provide A Resource:

Empower the coaches in your network

Motivation Code helps coaches gain confidence and build successful businesses by providing a credible coaching assessment solution that helps them quickly and deeply understand their clients. Whether you run a coaching network or coach coaches, we invite you to chat with our team about becoming an MCode referral partner and sharing MCode as a coaching resource.

Motivation Code Elevates coaching experiences and supports professional coaching businesses

With MCode in your back pocket, you can show up as the brilliant, amazing, insightful coach you are, and coach clients with confidence through impactful transformations to a better, brighter future.

When clients truly see themselves, understand who they are, and know how to bring their best to the table in every situation, the dynamics of their work and lives change dramatically. Knowing their MCodes empowers clients to embrace who they are, unleash their full potential, claim their unique value, and step into the greatness they are meant for.

Get started today…

MCode Lite

Get the fundamentals for $19!

Experience the Motivation Code assessment and gain unrivaled insight into who you are at your best. Receive our MCode Lite report* that reveals your MCode and better understand what drives your best work.

*The MCode Lite assessment experience is a perfect way to dip your toes in the water and see what MCode has to offer. You can upgrade to MCode Premium any time you’re ready to tap into more comprehensive resources!

MCode Premium

Get everything for $79!

Take the Motivation Code assessment and receive our comprehensive MCode Premium report that reveals your MCode and provides all the fundamental insight from the Lite report plus personalized tools and resources for its practical application at work and in your life.

Give the gift of MCode

Share the MCode assessment

Learn about using MCode with clients, in your coaching program, or with your network.

Reach out to our team to learn how you can add the MCode assessment to your group coaching program or share it with members of your coaching network.